Sunday, May 3, 2015


  Even with all my motivation, I still face a major problem. With being far from my heritage for so long, it has become very diffiult for me to remember what I had written and it has become difficult for me to keep what I had learned, in memory. Even with continuous practice,  I could not recall previous written information when being away from more than a few hours.
   This week,  I decided since my parents spoke some Hindi,  I should try to also,  as well as Malayalam.  I thought it would be fun to learn a song,  since India is famous for it's many Bollywood productions. I recently heard this beautiful love song and I thought it would be a great song to learn!  With much determination,  I learned the song.  With only a couple days,  I got it down and it was on constant replay.  I hope to song this song at church when we have a music night,  and show everyone what I have learned! Unforgettable Hindi Song Link
  After going to church today,  I thought it would it be a great idea to talk to the audience about God in Malayalam.  It was shaky,  yet I managed to pull through. It was somewhat difficult to pronounce some words, so it might have sounded a little awkward. After looking back though,  I saw that I have come very far, very fast. I realized that I have mostly uncovered my hidden heredity.  I am extremely happy I took this journey into the unknown,  am I am even more excited that you came along with me! Stay close as we begin to get back our memory and continue venturing into the unknown! :)


  1. I really commend your efforts to regain your "lost heritage." I can obviously see how much of an annoyance it is to forget something you should know, so I praise you for trying.

  2. This sounds so amazing. I think I said this last time, but I bet your parents are just bursting with pride. I know I would be! Good for you for working so hard on this.

  3. Also, that's a gorgeous song!

  4. I think this is really cool considering I study world languages in my free time. (nerd alert!) Hindi is by far the coolest language I've studied and I'm fairly jealous that you have native speakers living with you! Great job, Stanley!
